KAEFER engaged MGC to help them sorting out logistics issues for a construction project of a polar station in Antarctica. We helped them with logistics advice as well as evaluating the tendering process.

 The challenge:

Imagine you want to build a polar station in Antarctica. How do you transport goods from a high technology country with perfect infrastructure to a non developed area with no infrastructure? That was exactly the challenge we faced.

Before we start please feel free to watch the short video by GeoBeats News. They have just announced the design for the project and those pictures give you an impression of the surroundings we have to deal with.

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What we did:

KAEFER is experienced in construction work under extreme conditions but all those projects are unique and each project offers its own challenges.

MGC analysed the situation and developed step by step a logistics concept. We started with solving logistics issues in regions with very good infrastructure. Here we could use our huge network and deliver answers to KAEFERs supply questions.

Next we had to solve the question for the regions with no infrastructure. It is easy to load the ships with goods in Europe but how do you unload it if you don’t have energy? One answer is to bring a large crane. But how do you get this one unloaded in the first place?

Our experience in expeditions logistics helped us a lot and in the end we reached the goal of a logistics guideline, a prepared timeframe and all supply chain dependencies in place.


The results:

MGC showed KAEFER different ways of handling logistics. We also made them aware of possible risks to the project. Our advice enabled KAEFER to make faster and more precise decisions in how to manage this unique project.


Company facts:

Over the past 90 years, KAEFER has developed into the world’s largest provider of complete insulation solutions. They employ 20,000 employees in over 50 countries.


For us it was one of the most exciting projects and we are happy that KAEFER choose us. Please follow the link to read more case studies.