The end of mass production?
I came across an old article a couple of weeks back about Toyotas history. The story about the masters of lean management, very efficient automotive production and at the side some figures from their (at [...]
RFID & Industry 4.0
We talked a lot of industry 4.0 theory in our recent blogs. Now we found a video (in english) which shows you industry 4.0 in action. The video explains unique codes, shows RFID steered logistics [...]
industry 4.0 – the big picture
In the past weeks we talked a bit about industry 4.0, cyber physical systems, smart manufacturing which all are part of the fourth industrial revolution. Generally speaking the "internet of things" will be created. Every machine, [...]
cyber-physical systems
Today I'd like to continue to talk about the future of manufacturing. In recent blogs we described what industry 4.0 means and how smart factories work. In both articles I mentioned a lot technical expressions [...]
smart manufacturing
In our previous blog about industry 4.0 we discussed smart factories. We got a couple of responses. Many of them where questions so we decided to bring a bit more light into the buzz word [...]
industry 4.0
One of the "new" buzz words around is industry 4.0 - It creates some specific hype in manufacturing because the industry starts talking about smart factories. The term refers to no less then the fourth [...]